social issue
Female Education
Research shows educated mothers have higher standards of hygiene, lower birth rates and an increased likelihood of children going to school.
Research shows educated mothers have higher standards of hygiene, lower birth rates and an increased likelihood of children going to school.
– 770,000 children aged 5-12 years are still out of school.
– Only a half of students in grades 3, 5 and 8 meet the academic achievement criteria for Nepali and mathematics.
– Attendance in early childhood education (ECE) is still low at 51 per cent.
– There is inequity in the education sector as only 12 per cent of children from the lowest wealth quintile are developmentally on track in literacy and numeracy compared to 65 per cent from the highest wealth quintile.
– Very few schools meet child-friendly school standards.
– Only 11 per cent of school buildings are earthquake-resistant.
– More than half the total population in Nepal cannot read and write. Out of 70% of children that start primary school, only 7% reach Grade 10 and obtain their school leaving certificate.
– 52% of women in Nepal are illiterate, in comparison to 29% of men. The boy/girl ratio shows that the illiteracy problem is much higher with women. This is attributable to the cultural norm of choosing to educate boys rather than girls.
– Girl’s education is not a priority. Many poor Nepali families who do not have the money to pay for school, do not recognize the value of sending their daughters to school. They are considered to be a financial burden because culturally they will eventually be married off to serve their husband’s family. So they are kept behind to work in the home and on the fields. Girls are often married from the early age of 12 years old, and sent to live with their husband’s family.
– Girls with no education are three times more likely to be married before their 18th birthday, compared to girls with some secondary education. Education is one of the best strategies for protecting girls and combating child marriage.
– Poor, marginalized, illiterate girls and women have little access to resources and educational opportunities.
– Research shows if you educate a girl she will earn up to 25% more and reinvest 90% of her earnings in her family.
– More than half the total population in Nepal cannot read and write. Out of 70% of children that start primary school, only 7% reach Grade 10 and obtain their school leaving certificate.
– 52% of women in Nepal are illiterate, in comparison to 29% of men. The boy/girl ratio shows that the illiteracy problem is much higher with women. This is attributable to the cultural norm of choosing to educate boys rather than girls.
– Girl’s education is not a priority. Many poor Nepali families who do not have the money to pay for school, do not recognize the value of sending their daughters to school. They are considered to be a financial burden because culturally they will eventually be married off to serve their husband’s family. So they are kept behind to work in the home and on the fields. Girls are often married from the early age of 12 years old, and sent to live with their husband’s family.
– Girls with no education are three times more likely to be married before their 18th birthday, compared to girls with some secondary education. Education is one of the best strategies for protecting girls and combating child marriage.
– Poor, marginalized, illiterate girls and women have little access to resources and educational opportunities.
– Research shows if you educate a girl she will earn up to 25% more and reinvest 90% of her earnings in her family.

Limited access to education leads to persistent exposure of young women and girls. To move from vulnerability to economically empowered women, the traditional deep-rooted mentality that hinders the education of girls needs to be changed so as to break this cycle. Kriayt raises awareness about the importance of girl’s education among the women we work with and our supporters in the international community. We support women who were not given the opportunity to finish their schooling. This is achieved by offering skill-training in a variety of business and handicrafts. The women are given access to resources and an employment opportunity where their learning potential is encouraged and expanded. We also invest our profit to offer school scholarships to young girls.
Limited access to education leads to persistent exposure of young women and girls. To move from vulnerability to economically empowered women, the traditional deep-rooted mentality that hinders the education of girls needs to be changed so as to break this cycle. Kriayt raises awareness about the importance of girl’s education among the women we work with and our supporters in the international community. We support women who were not given the opportunity to finish their schooling. This is achieved by offering skill-training in a variety of business and handicrafts. The women are given access to resources and an employment opportunity where their learning potential is encouraged and expanded. We also invest our profit to offer school scholarships to young girls.
1. Education 2. Female Employment 3. Overseas Employment 4. Human Trafficking
5. Child Labour 6. Cinderella Children 7. Marriage 8. Violence 9. Health
5. Child Labour 6. Cinderella Children 7. Marriage 8. Violence 9. Health
“You educate a man; you educate a man.
You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”
– Brigham Young
women empowering women
Visit Us in Nepal
‘Realise, the power is in your hands to make a choice….. for change,
rely on your strength to make a change in your life.’ This is the motivation
we instil in all women. Feel empowered while helping others empower
themselves. What can YOU do to contribute? Help us reach out to more
women in Nepal. Below are our FOR PROFIT tours that we invite you to
attend. Know that all profits are used to fund our programs, so by joining
us you have taken action to contribute and help our programs.
rely on your strength to make a change in your life.’ This is the motivation
we instil in all women. Feel empowered while helping others empower
themselves. What can YOU do to contribute? Help us reach out to more
women in Nepal. Below are our FOR PROFIT tours that we invite you to
attend. Know that all profits are used to fund our programs, so by joining
us you have taken action to contribute and help our programs.