what we do
Our Projects

our projects
‘KEEP’ Kriayt’s Education & Employment Project
2013 – 2016
The primary focus of Kriayt Social Business is developing sustainable education and employment programs for women in Nepal. This project was launched in August 2013 with 6 women being trained in sewing and crochet and subsequently employed in the manufacture of Kriayt products utilising these skills. It was to be a 6 month project but the program grew to train 22 women per month in many areas of handicraft and life skills. The women followed on with business & job skills if they chose for job placement within their communities.
To date in 2019 we have trained nearly 2000 women in Nepal.
our projects
Village Outreach
2013 – 2019
With Nepal being on the border with India it was discovered that many backpackers were leaving behind their clothing and trekking items after being in Nepal when heading to the warmer climate in India. Items were being left in hotel rooms, but wealthy hotel owners were gaining the items. We place clothing collection baskets in prime locations requesting the donations so the items could be sent to poorer communities and reach people in need. Kriayt Community Leaders wash and mend any items and distribute regularly to the village or to the poorer communities in Pokhara. With a good supply of clothing when the Earthquake hit in 2015 Kriayt Community Leaders were able to distribute 100’s of sets of clothing and shoes to people that had lost everything. This also included Sleeping bags, tents and thermal clothing.

our projects
Earthquake Emergency Relief
In April 2015 a devastating earthquake hit Nepal killing nearly 9,000 people and over 22,000 were injured. Kriayt Community Leaders were able to take action within hours of the quake. Fundraising happened on a My Cause page and profits from the Kriayt Handicraft group started immediate buying of Food, cooking pots, tarpaulins, ropes and blankets. Our stored clothes were packed up and 4WD vehicles were sent to remote villages every few days. Some of the villages we touched have not received Earthquake aid besides us to this day. We are proud to report that the cleaning and rebuilding happened with a community spirit of helping each other one by one.
our projects
Earthquake temporary housing
Once emergency action had been taken our 2nd action after the Earthquake in Nepal was to provide temporary shelter to people needing to rebuild their homes. We worked with company in Kathmandu called Portal Shelter who supplied materials and instruction on building temporary shelters. Kriayt raised funding to buy the Porta shelters and local group EnterNepal US transported them to remote forgotten villages and helped with the building of them onsite. At that point in time it was not safe for women to travel on their own, so teamwork with EnterNepal a group of local young men was vital. We help a sponsorship drive as each Portashelter cost $130AU and housed a family of 8. These provided a safe place to live allowing each family time to thoughtfully rebuild. All the materials used to construct Portal Shelters could be reused to build more permanent homes.
Kriayt Social Business proudly funded these homes and their 4WD team also took to remote villages helping deliver and erect the shelters.
MyCause Fundraising and sponsors such as Nikki Smith 100km walk (80), Hope for Himalayan kids (47), ACU Choir (6) & Noosa District School(10) enabled us to build 150 houses.

our projects
Crocheted Woollies
2014 – current
When we travel to villages for program purposes or visiting family and sometimes just sitting on a long haul bus trip we teach women to crochet where ever we go! The main purpose of this is we have some simple techniques that can make slippers and hats in sizes baby to adult and keep our families in the village toasty warm in winter. With some simple skills and a donated hook this program is of great interest to women wherever we go. We encourage Women the world over if you would like to donate crochet hooks to us we can put them to good use. The only thing is we cannot guarantee where in Nepal your hook will end up but it will be a prized tool!
our projects
Business Start-Up skills
2013 – 2015
This project guided at risk or needy women towards Employment. They entered a program to learn how to set up their own business. We shared ideas and skills and taught them basic business skills. We were able to include from other NGO’s Micro Loan opportunities.

our projects
Girls in School Program
2013 – current
Using profits from the Handicraft group Kriayt Social Business has paid for many young girls in different communities attend school. Families cannot afford for their daughters to attend secondary education yet the girls were doing very well in the school system. We will pay for a girl to attend school paying for fees lunches, transport and uniforms so she has a chance to complete her education. This is better for the girl as well as her family in the long run.
1. Our Story 2. Our Projects 3. Our Programs 4. Social Business
women empowering women
Visit Us in Nepal
‘Realise, the power is in your hands to make a choice….. for change,
rely on your strength to make a change in your life.’ This is the motivation
we instil in all women. Feel empowered while helping others empower
themselves. What can YOU do to contribute? Help us reach out to more
women in Nepal. Below are our FOR PROFIT tours that we invite you to
attend. Know that all profits are used to fund our programs, so by joining
us you have taken action to contribute and help our programs.
rely on your strength to make a change in your life.’ This is the motivation
we instil in all women. Feel empowered while helping others empower
themselves. What can YOU do to contribute? Help us reach out to more
women in Nepal. Below are our FOR PROFIT tours that we invite you to
attend. Know that all profits are used to fund our programs, so by joining
us you have taken action to contribute and help our programs.