‘Kriayt Volunteers – Journey of Empowerment’
Our volunteer program is a Journey of Empowerment it is an ongoing journey, and one that we give as much or as little of ourselves that we choose!
Our current volunteer programs
- Crochet cuddle kid Toys for children in circumstances that need a cuddle, click on the ‘Join us with crochet’ picture above
- Share your skill with women in Nepal on a Women’s Tour, click on the ‘Women’s Tours’ picture above
Women’s Empowerment
The prayer Flags are fluttering across the mountaintops sending the prayers of many women across the world, the bells are calling us to unite…. The movers, the shakers… well their bags are half packed, destinations unknown. Women are perched on their door stoops feeling the energy of new friends, of things yet to unfold. Sisters hear the calling but fear is holding them back of travelling to the unknown-
Her inner self and far away destinations
Yet this is what is known, maybe not yet understood
Women are EMPOWERED by Women’s Actions
I can’t empower anyone, but what I can do is to walk my talk. Do what I have been called to do and when others experience my actions they in turn are called to take action in their own self Empowerment. And who are we to decide what that is for them. But…
I am CHOOSING to take a lifelong journey of self Empowerment
I spent 10 years fulltime living in Nepal and now part time, I hop between 3 countries avoiding winter as my health has decided that is the best way for me. No, I am not retired, we raised our youngest two children this way. Our older kids found us on the University holidays and hung out in their 3 month vacations. In fact the 13 year old is still living this lifestyle and is in an honours program in her online schooling. And why? Because it just was not hard to do and our hearts called and when you are answering your heart calling, you will come to understand it is actually quite easy to do. We felt fear hang around the fringes a bit, BUT when action called we took it!
The most EMPOWERING thing I have ever done is to pack up, leave it all behind and go in search of the unknown … ME
(I’m not suggesting you pack up & country hop, but I am suggesting you follow your heart )
The one thing I know is I am constantly learning from the people I meet, whether that is in what they are giving to me or others, or from whom I am giving to. I have learnt to see and take action, hold hands with my CREATIVITY, trust in my journey, listen to my heart and walk my talk – and I invite you to do the same… join myself & other likeminded on our journey.